The American Legion Amateur & GMRS Radio Club image
The American Legion has formed a special entity to provide a forum for military veterans who today are engaged in a hobby that can also provide emergency communications "when all else fails." During the May 2011 Spring Meetings, the National Executive Committee authorized the establishment of The American Legion Amateur Radio Club (TALARC).

In January 2005, the Legion signed an agreement with the Department of Homeland Security to support emergency disaster preparedness. Subsequently, the Disaster Preparedness Booklet was made available to posts. Amateur-radio support was an integral entity.

Within our Post, we have chosen to add another avenue of radio communications. Please, understand, the two different 'hobbies' are very much different.

HAM Radio is under the Amateur Radio Service with rules and regulations of 47 C.F.R, Part 97 

GMRS is under the Personal Radio Service with rules and regulations of 47 C.F.R, Part 95 Subpart E 

GMRS stand for, GENERAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICE.  This has been added to the Post's Radio Club.  With GMRS, you are not required to study and take a test, however this is to open the usage of radio communication within the community and to follow the spirt of the program that has been established by the American Legion.  Learning the 'ropes' of proper radio communications might encourage the further education of 'HAM' Radio Operations.  

To read more about The American Legion Amateur Radio Club, click on this link:
Club Resources | The American Legion

To read about Clarksville Amateur Transmitting Society (CATS), go to this link:
Home (kf4l.org)

Our location: TALARC Stations - Google My Maps

Are you a Licensed HAM Operator? GMRS Operator? Or would you like to become one?

Please, contact our Radio Club Secretary at: alpost289tn.radioclub@gmail.com

Post 289 Amateur Radio Club image
Officers - Effective June 2024-2025
President: David Zeveney
Secretary: Darrell Vance
Trusty: Larry Johnson
JOTA Coordinator:  Ernest Schmidt